Answers to questions you might have about booking a photographer.
Following on from my blog post a couple of weeks ago about what I actually get up to on your wedding day. I’ve taken some inspiration from the people I meet at wedding fairs who are looking for a photographer. Now the wedding fair season is done for me, I thought I would answer some of the most popular questions I get asked. So for those of you who have met me already it’s like a little refresher and for those of you that haven’t, maybe these were things you were wondering yourself.
If I’ve missed anything, fire me over a message, I quite like answering questions (as long as there aren’t too many at once because then I just get a bit confused and it takes me a while) I feel like I’m on The Chase or something!
Is it just you that takes the pictures?
It is just me.
To be honest, I have never needed another photographer as I manage to capture everything (and often more than) I need to. You know what you are getting as it’s me you will meet and talk with from the beginning until the end. Photo style wise, you also know what you will be getting; natural, relaxed, unposed, often fun and sometimes a bit outside the box. Plus….it’s easier for one person to be ‘stealthy’!

Will we get a contract?
Yes. Everyone gets one of these, it mainly acts as contact details for me and info for you on what you can expect from me. It’s not scary or complicated.
Have you been to my venue before?
The answer is probably not! Most venues I’ve photographed at has been my first time there. In fact I’ve only ever been to the same venue more than once, once. Fear not! For me this is the most exciting bit, I’m seeing everywhere with fresh eyes and new ideas. I have a ‘pre-spy’ at all venues on Google, I will also visit your venue before your actual wedding.
You’ve been to my venue before!
Hurrah. Good choice then! This doesn’t mean that your photos will look exactly the same as the previous wedding I’ve done there. I’m not into standing you in the same places as other people. You and your wedding will be unique, your photos should reflect this. (Just my thoughts obviously.)
How much are your travel costs?
I like things simple. When you start talking about adding on mileage costs etc etc etc it all starts to get a bit complicated. For that reason, all of my travel is included in my prices. Yes I’m based in Staffordshire but we have a beautiful country and I love getting to see different parts of it. If there’s a wedding happening, I will be there!
Read more about travel here.
Do we need to feed you?
You don’t need to do anything! I never expect to be fed. If you choose to include me in this I am always very grateful and will just sit out of the way and eat at the same time as you. No worries if you don’t want to, I make a mean cheese and pickle sandwich!
Do we get all of the photos that you take?
Pretty much…..apart from the ones where people have their eyes closed and that kind of thing. I will edit them in a style that suits my photography, naturally. You should see the new usb’s I have to put them on. From feedback I’ve had, let’s just say people are ever so slightly impressed and have never seen anything like them before!
How many photos will we get?
To give you an exact number is kind of hard, as all weddings are different. Some are a rocking party, some are a quieter affair. I love both kinds! What I can tell you is that I have a limit on numbers that I give you, if it’s a ‘good’ photo, you will get it. I don’t get to a certain number and then not give you the rest, I also have no benefit in not giving you certain photos. What I take (minus the closed eye ones etc) you will get. Depending on how long I am with you it can range between 300-800.
How do you edit your photos?
I edit all my photos in a similar way to how I take them, naturally. I don’t use photoshop or add an fancy filters or effects. The reason I tend not to use a certain effect/filter is that these change over time, often dependent on trends. I don’t want you looking back on your photos in five or ten years time and thinking they look dated. Now everyone loves a black and white photo and some photos really lend themselves to this kind of look, so I will do a selection of photos in this style. If you get your photos back and there is one that I haven’t done like this, that you really just must have, give me a shout and I will sort it.
How do we get our photos?
Now this is the bit where I get quite excited.
I put all of your pictures (two copies, one for printing and one where the file size is smaller so totally suitable for sharing on the wonder that is social networks and email) on possibly the most *unique, funky, awesome, cool, amaze balls usb stick you have ever seen. I did have a loveeeeeely wooden usb, but the one I have now (I feel like I’m building this up somewhat..) goes well and truly above and beyond, people have even said ‘wow’! So if you think the wooden ones are nice, think again, prepare to be well and truly impressed. If you really can’t wait or haven’t seen me at a wedding fayre, ask me to send you a picture…..orrrrr keep it as a surprise for when you get your pictures!
* opinions gathered from people who have seen it.
When will we get our photos?
I aim to get your photos done within 6 weeks. Now this probably sounds ageeeeees when you have just had the best day of your lives and are desperate to see the pictures. To date it has never taken me six weeks to get your pictures sent back.
The day after your wedding I will post a couple of pictures on Facebook for you to see, just to help with the excitement a bit!
I always send them special delivery so as soon as I message you to let you know they are done and in the post, they are guaranteed (according to the lovely Royal Mail) to be with you next day by 1pm.
What time do you stay until?
If you have booked the Party Ring then you have me for as long as you like.
You have booked me for your wedding and I am there to cover your whole wedding.
Every wedding is different. Once I know I have the photos I’m happy with, I will head off.
If you have booked the Chocolate Hob Nob,
you will get ten hours photography. If Grandma is wanting another picture, no problem, I won’t rush off! (I don’t really rush full stop to be fair) I will always make sure I do anything I can to get you the best photos.
Do you do albums?
I have actually gone to a lot of effort to find a decent album supplier! I have one of these if you would like to see it anytime. There are a lot of fancy Italian ones out there, but they just didn’t fit well with me or what I am doing. So I found some really nice, British made ones by a company called Folio.
They print right across the page and lie flat, so if you have a picture where the middle of the album happens to be, the crease won’t distract from your beautiful picture, in fact you will hardly notice it.
These aren’t added into my package prices, as not everyone wants an album. Then you end up paying for something that you don’t really want. Which doesn’t make sense to me.
If you decide (at any point, before or after your wedding) that you would like an album, give me a shout and we can go about sorting it.
Don’t let your wedding photos just sit there on a usb (as amazing as it is), get them printed off!
I also do an awesome alternative to a canvas. It’s called an aluminium print…..ask me about these, or even better, ask to see it.
We are getting married abroad.
Whooppppppeeeee I love a destination wedding! Last year I was lucky enough to photograph my first wedding outside of the UK.
For me it makes sense to have a wedding photographer from this country, one who you can meet up with if you want to, be in regular contact with and still get awesome photos at the end of it all. And let’s face it, it doesn’t cost that much to fly anywhere these days!
Contact me and let’s talk!!
We hate having our photo taken.
Great! Something we have in common already!
To be honest, I would much rather someone feel that way, than keep striking different poses for me all day!
Most of the people that book me have said those very same words. So you are in good company.
My favourite bit of the day has to be when the three of us pop away for ten minutes to do some pictures, I call it ‘alone time’. Often these moments are where the couple are just totally into each other, for those who aren’t too keen on the camera, it creates the perfect opportunity for the two of you to be together and to get lost within that. Maybe look at those rings that weren’t there before, to take in being newly married, notice how the other has had their hair done, straighten a flower in a button hole or have that reassuring hug….it’s easy to forget the camera is even there.
It kind of works….
Do you take group photos?
I do!
I mostly take natural pictures as your day happens, but if there are 5 or 6 group photos you want taking That can be done. I understand that a lot of families don’t often get together and a wedding is the perfect chance to get some pictures of people. I say 5 or 6 because if you are after a relaxed, informal feel to your wedding, having more can take away from this sort of vibe. I will bring the little list with me on the day, then I always aim to get them done straight after the ceremony before people start to wander off in search of drinks and food (not that I’ve ever done that at any wedding I’ve been a guest at you understand!)
I can then do my best ‘stealthy sniper’ bit and drift around people taking photos of them enjoying your day.
If at any point during the day you grab a group of friends or family and want an impromptu photo, shout me and it will take two seconds!
Can we meet you?
I would most certainly recommend this! Hopefully you have got a good idea of what I am like from this website but if you would still like to meet this is something I would encourage anyway. I always say to people that when it comes to picking a wedding photographer, liking their photos is only half of it, you kind of have to like the person too. When couples have said to me that it has felt like a friend taking their photos I do a little excited ‘dance’. (We don’t actually have to be friends don’t panic, but you get the idea!)
It helps me get to know you both, little things that make you tick, that are important to you, or that you like (or really don’t like) on the day this will help with making you feel a tiny bit more relaxed having your photos taken.
If you don’t live too far away we can meet up somewhere (I’ve even been known to venture into a coffee shop for a meeting and I’m scared of coffee shops!) and have a chat and a drink (maybe even some cake).
But we live miles away from you!? Fear not, I am slowly getting over my extreme awkwardness on FaceTime and Skype, so we can arrange that.
Are you free on my date?
Whizz me over an email or give me a call to find out. It’s never too soon to ask.