two guests in saris dancing at an indian wedding party

Why I love this photo

two guests in saris dancing at an indian wedding party

Most of the wedding photos I choose to write about, on why I love them, are black and white. This one clearly isn’t!

And that’s the first reason for loving it. It was taken about 6 years ago at a wedding party and it was to date, one of the best dance-floors I’ve ever been involved in photographing. It was also probably one of the biggest wedding parties I’ve taken my cameras to, easily 150 guests. I love the all the colours of the traditional saris worn by the women and the intricate detail and design on them.

I also love the facial expressions of all three people in this photo, the fact the lady closest to the camera even has her eyes closed, goes to show how involved she was in her dancing and the mood of the evening. She’s completely in the moment.

When it comes to capturing dance floor photos, I tend to get right in there, rather than hanging around the edges. By getting totally involved where the action is, wedding guests do tend to just do their thing more, rather than hold back because they think someone is watching them from the sidelines. You might even catch me throwing some questionable shapes, just so your guests feel like I’m part of the dancing action!

Some of my favourite wedding photos are made when people are being authentic to themselves. They’re not putting on a persona or striking a pose just because my camera is pointed at them. It’s when they’re completely natural and relaxed that the best photos are captured and I believe the best way to make people feel relaxed, is to get amongst them, act like one of them and let my guard down. I’m not a stuffy wedding photographer type, I won’t boss your friends and family around on your wedding day, I’m more likely to be getting stuck in there, helping with button holes or removing stickers from the underside of your shoes!

If you’re getting married this year or next and like the sound of how I roll, questionable dance moves excluded, I’d love to hear from you. Drop me and message and let’s chat!